The email I received says it wants to keep the "hate media out of Canada" and wants you to sign a petition. They also seem to believe that PM Harper is behind this. They go on to repeat the lie that Larry Martin dreamed up that the PM was manipulating the CRTC by pushing Konrad von Finckenstein the CRTC chief out in order SunTV gets granted the license they want.
Looks like they're located in California., Inc.
275 Shoreline Drive, Suite 300
Redwood City, CA 94065
Here is a screen shot of the email I was sent
Who is behind this petition? I don't know but if you go to the website you will notice an ad there by TD Friends of the Environment Foundation Are they behind this round of petitions? Who knows but don't forget TD is infested with Liberals. Liberals would not want other voices who would probably not cover for them like the current media does. Liberals involved with TD are Don Drummond, who worked for Paul Martin while he was Finance Minister in the Chretien government. Frank Mckenna former Liberal Premier of New Brunswick, and Ed Clark who was deputy minister who helped construct the must hated NEP.
I don't really know if TD is actually behind this but since it's an American organization and TD has an ad on their website it does set off red flags. One has to wonder.
In any case this group like Aavaz and others is just another nutty activist organization who wants only the left to have a voice. To me that is not free speech.
It seems like there are those out there who are truly afraid of SunTV or what they call Foxnews North and that it will be full of hate speech even though SunTV has yet to air even one program yet. It seems to me that these groups are the ones with hate and want to stifle free speech. They don't want other voices for the public to choose from. Are they afraid that maybe for a change the public will get some semblance of honest and truthful reporting?
SunTV will go ahead I'm sure and Canadians will finally have choice in news coverage. What a great day that will be when they finally go on air!