Thursday, April 9, 2015

Wildrose Economic Plan


 Leader Brian Jean presented the Wildrose's economic plan today.  They claim they can balance the provincial budget by 2017 without raising taxes.
“Our plan is sensible, modest, protects families from dangerous PC tax increases and restores jobs, growth and prosperity,” Jean said.  “We will show real leadership from the top, trim PC waste and entitlements and shrink the size of government without hurting front line services.”
Highlights of the budget plan include:
-  Reduce Government of Alberta (GoA) managerial ranks by 33 per cent
- Reduce AHS managers and consultants by 50 per cent
-  Reduce GoA travel, advertising and conference budgets by 50 per cent
-  Limit public executive pay
- Roll back Cabinet and MLA pay raises and reduce expenses
-  Eliminate corporate grant subsidies
-  Reinstate the 3-year salary freeze on remaining managers in GoA
The spending reductions will result in an immediate $2.2 billion in savings for this budget year, and $3.5 billion by 2017-18.
That's a much better plan than the PC's tax hikes, spending sprees, and borrowing and putting us deep into debt.
The PC slogan is "Choose Alberta's Future."  With Prentice and the PCs Alberta's future will  be that we turn into Ontario in short order.  I don't want that future.  I want a smaller government. The only party that we have a chance at a smaller government is Wildrose.