Here are some statements of a couple of offended lefty councillors..
Many Toronto councillors weren't impressed.. Kudo's to Cherry for exercising his right to free speech. It always seems OK for lefties to be offensive and be critical of conservatives but not for conservatives to criticize lefties. We are called every name under the sun. We're neanderthals, knuckle draggers, haters etc. They can give it but they can't take it!
"I don't think you belittle people in a public ceremony like this, I think it's unacceptable," said Coun. Adam Vaughan, Trinity-Spadina.
"Yes I felt insulted by it, I think many of us felt insulted by it," said Coun. Joe Mihevc, St. Paul's
I say every time lefty heads explode is a good day. By the way, I wish Mayor Rob Ford the best in his bringing common sense to the city of Toronto.