Monday, December 7, 2009

We Have Recieved a Fossil!

Yes, Today Canada received the first Fossil Award at the Copenhagen Summit. Time to celebrate!!
They are our gold medal. Let's win them all. Canadian delegates, receive them with pride!
Go Canada go! Remember Canada is counting on you.


  1. We can put the fossil together with their kinfolk in drumheller. Every liberal car the liberals, environmentalists drive comes from the fossil fuel.

  2. I hope that Canada would sweep all of the fossil awards. It is a great honour to be the most sensible, pragmatic nation - avoid the scam of the AGW/Climate Change whatever the religious zealots call it from time to time.

  3. I couldn't be prouder of my Government. Good to know that in these politically correct times Canadians can still smell the BS.

  4. That's impressive! Little 'ol Canada, less than 2% of global ghg's,
    seen as the biggest threat to the planet...!

    Suppose the environutjobs figure if they keep 'shaming' Canada the #1 & 2 biggest polluters, China and the US, will hesitate to buy our dirty oil.
    Too late, the already OWN part of the oilsands projects!

  5. I'm so proud of Canada! We aren't swayed by the Warmists.

    We can stand on our own and defend our sovereignty and our economy.

  6. Question that must be on PRENTICE's mind, "how it that canada is the only country in the world to get a 'fossil award'.
    The attack is only on CANADA.

  7. I'm looking forward to the T-rex

    That will show real effort on our part for calling bullcrap on them.

  8. I think our delegation that are there, Minister Prentice, PM Harper needs the wisdom of Solomon to stick handle this thing as not to harm us. There is so much pressure from the warmists to have our people give in to whatever they want. So keep them in your prayers.

  9. I'm available to accept this Fossil Award on behalf of Alberta and Canada. Now for the negotiations, do I get a free plane ride, accommodation, food and sex for my reward? My acceptance speech would be "Ah shucks, you flatter me. I am so proud to represent the coolest country in the world, Canada." Cheers

  10. Can we win them all? Gold, silver, bronze, platinum, uranium, diamond.....

  11. Harper Says Global Recovery Must Precede Environment


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