Friday, September 14, 2012

In Case You Missed It

Brian Lilley conducted a one on one interview with PM Stephen Harper last night on his show Byline.  For those of you who missed it, it was a fantastic one.  It was very substantive, informative and no gotcha's from Lilley like there is when the media party interviews our PM. They touched on various issues such as the economy, and foreign affairs primarily the chaos right now in the Middle East.  For those of you who missed it, enjoy.

When comparing PM Harper with President Obama this is what Brian Lilley says that the PM is the adult in the room.
 Comparing the two men based on their actions and not their words can only lead to the conclusion that when Harper and Obama meet, Harper is the adult in the room.
Trading Harper for Obama wouldn’t be good for Canada, but it might be good for the rest of the world.

Canada is blessed to have such a strong grown up leader right now, especially when you compare us with the rest of the world.   For all of you haters, get with the program. 


  1. Play that video for an American and watch them cry.

    1. No doubt. Just the other evening my husband and I were discussing the differences of leadership between Canada and the US. We both came to the conclusion that PM Harper is smarter and shows more leadership than both Barack Obama and Mitt Romney combined.

  2. Great parody! I take my hat off to you!

    1. It really is getting harder to distinguish between true Poe law examples and actual wingnuttery. Sun News Daily is such a parody of a news organisation I really expect them to have a disclaimer, "any resemblance to real journalism, intentional or implied is purely accidental."

    2. Canadians,,those with any kind of brain that can tell the truth from the BRAIN WASHED LIES you have been fed for years by the CTV,CBC and most other UN Canadian news broadcasters,love the SUN News because it tells the news only and not the BS twisted lies the other broadcasters spout to appease you LIB/NDP zombies.As with most leftoids,it sure hurts when all you have heard and been told all your lives is proven to be LIES and twisted unproven BS..It is sad these days to be a lefty..Are you still one harebell


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