Sunday, December 27, 2009

The Best Christmas Gift

Wow! Christmas 2009 is now history. I pray each one had a very blessed time and remembered what the season is really about. Yes, the food, decorations, gifts, family time is great but focus is really about the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, the ultimate gift. He loves us so much!! He came to give us a gift, the gift of eternal life.

He left His home in heaven with the Father and became flesh to live among us. He showed us how we should live our lives so that it is pleasing to God the Father. He taught us how to pray, how to have faith and trust God no matter what we are going through, whether good or bad.

He was rejected and despised. He was beaten, broken and suffered just for us. He took on our sins and our burdens for which he hung on the cross and died for so that we may live.

Yes, He is alive today! He rose out of his grave and ascended to heaven to sit on the right hand side of God. He sent His spirit to be with us, to comfort us and guide us so that we can do the things that are right and steer us away from the things that are wrong.

So now that the presents are all unwrapped, dinner is finished, things are starting to wind down, just take the time to reflect.

He is real. He loves us. He wants to help us. He wants to be a part of our lives. He wants to be our friend. All we have to do is invite Him and receive Him into our heart. It is just that easy.

It is the best gift you will ever receive. Believe me! I know!

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