Thursday, November 18, 2010

Liberal Volunteers Have to be Rewarded?

What has happened to the Big Red Liberal Machine? If Jane Tabolo is to believed, there seems to be a lack of morale and enthusiasm amongst Liberal volunteers in the three by-elections that are to be decided later this month. According to Jane, volunteers have to be cajoled by rewarding them to go out and work for the party.
Michael Ignatieff’s Liberals are offering up big prizes – tickets to Ottawa Senators games and even a $150 gift certificate to Hy’s Steakhouse – to round up volunteers to help them identify the Grit vote in upcoming by-elections.
But this odd pitch for help has some Liberals wondering where the Grit spirit has gone. Why do volunteers have to be cajoled?
 Could it be the internal numbers are not encouraging?  Is it the the Waffle's leadership or just the party itself?   As a long time Liberal MP has put it:
But a long-time Liberal MP sees it differently: “It speaks to the lack of morale and enthusiasm. It used to be that people eagerly volunteered. Now they have to be ordered or rewarded.”
It says a lot about the current Liberal party if the grass roots have to be bribed to go out and work.

I don't see them winning   Dauphin-Swan-River-Marquette in Manitoba, that will stay CPC.  I believe the NDP will probably retain Winnipeg North.  As far as Vaughn, it could very well swing CPC.   That riding will in my opinion  depend on GOTV but do you have to bribe your workers to get that vote out?


  1. The plain truth is: Liberals who were eager to work and fulfill party requirements have dwindled because even they can sense a change in the air and no longer are willing to back this bunch of "losers." It all started with donations which were almost nil compared to the CPC and went downhill from there. There has been nothing to uplift spirits as it were and the majority of the LPC are not impressed or happy with Mr. Ignatieff or Bob Rae. Actually, Bob Rae is starting to warm to the CPC ideas and proposals and has made a few advances giving them credit for some ideas. Lets not go there because there is no one in the LPC that can effectively lead that party at this time. Newbies on the block are same old same old, and effectively the LPC is dead, they are just too dumb to lay down and stop breathing.
    That's my take on the subject.

    E Mac.

  2. It could have been worse. They could've offered them Leaf tickets..

  3. Well this worked so well for LPC promoter, Cote!
    During the Sponsorship inquiry, Cote confessed to stuffing $100 bills into envelopes, distributed to 12 Liberal candidates in Quebec, a total of $120,000.
    No Liberal will tell which ridings were 'bought'.

    $10k per riding would buy a lot of pizza for those volunteers, eh.

  4. "...LPC is dead, they are just too dumb to lay down and stop breathing."-EMAC

    my favourite line this month, thank you.


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