Friday, April 1, 2011

Yes, By All Means, Eliminate the Voter Tax

PM Stephen Harper has promised a Conservative majority would move to gradually eliminate the voter subsidy.
OTTAWA — A majority Conservative government would turn off the per-vote subsidy tap, saving taxpayers nearly $30 million a year, Prime Minister Stephen Harper said Friday.
Harper said it’s time for political parties to be weaned off taxpayer dependence and raise money on their own without drinking from the public trough.
In 2010, political parties sucked $27 million from public coffers. The Conservatives received the most ($10.4 million), followed by the Liberals ($7.3 million), NDP ($5 million) and the separatist Bloc ($2.8 million).
Taxpayers handed $1.9 million to the Green Party and it has no seats in Parliament.
In 2008, the Harper Conservatives planned to end the subsidy, but that sent the opposition parties into a frenzy and sparked the coalition partnership between the Liberals, Bloc and NDP.
Parties are eligible for the subsidy, provided they win at least 2% of the national popular vote.
I agree. Why should we be forced to donate to parties that we don't agree with?  It simply isn't fair. Political parties should learn to fund raise on their own. Sink or swim. Above all why should we be forced to fund a party that that hates the ROC and want's to separate? 

If we want to this tax to end we have to vote for a Conservative majority government on voting day.


  1. Frankly, I think Harper's going about this the wrong way.

    The first thing to do is to institute a rule that a party has to run a candidate in a minimum of 75% of Canada's ridings in order to qualify for the subsidy. If the Liberals and NDP complain that this would eliminate funding for the Bloc, he should ask:

    What, you have a problem with that?

  2. It's also not fair to be forced to subsidize a party that you do agree with. A vote for a party is not an indication that you support them financially.

  3. It's also not fair to be forced to subsidize a party that you do agree with. A vote for a party is not an indication that you support them financially.

    I agree,the voter tax should be scrapped for ALL parties.

  4. Or raised to a minimum of twenty percent of the votes before they receive a cent.
    Rob M.

  5. I find the per-vote subsidy far less offensive than the 75 per cent tax credit for political party donations. My CPC vote in Ottawa Centre at least counts for SOMETHING! But I don't contribute to any party and resent having the tax base eroded by people who do. If you want to give, give. But don't expect me to subsidize 75 per cent.

  6. Anon - then let's scrap that as well. That would make the parties seriously dependent upon persuading their supporters to cough up without a thought of reward.


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